Daily Routines


Routines For Children

Routines are a big part of our lives. They give us order and stability and the reassurance that comes from reliable, consistent patterns of activity. They support us to regulate our lives in a world that is often fast-paced and busy. And they provide a framework for ensuring the important ingredients for staying healthy, for maintaining a strong sense of wellbeing and a sense of purpose.” Karen Winderlich for Early Childhood Australia There are many benefits to having a flexible routine in each of our classrooms. Below we have shared two links that will provide families with more information on routines and how they can benefit you and your child at school and at home.

It is for this reason we also recommend families keep to a consistent routine the night before a school day as well as the morning of. This would also mean attempting, if possible, to drop off and pick up your child at the same time every day. Your child’s educators can also work with you to develop an individual and effective “drop-off” routine for your child to comfortably ease into their school day. This can help your child navigate the transition from home-life to school-time!


Our Classroom Routines

It’s important to remember that our classroom routines are both flexible and always evolving to meet the many varied needs of the children we cater for. The most up to date routines are displayed in each classroom for your viewing. Educators are actively engaged in children’s learning and share decision making with them. They use everyday interactions with children during play, routines and ongoing projects to stimulate children’s thinking and to enrich their learning (ACECQA, 2011, p. 124).

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